Human-like AI: Conversational Agents
In the Flanders AI Research Program multiple research partners work on strategic research in artificial intelligence, based on the needs and demands of companies, organizations, the government, and citizens. The consortium works on different research challenges, so called Grand Challenges, in several domains.
With five research teams from four different universities we research Conversational Agents within Grand Challenge 4 on Human-like AI.
- Core PI:
- Walter Daelemans (UAntwerpen - CLiPS)
- Postdoc coordination: Jeska Buhmann (UAntwerpen - CLiPS)
- Walter Daelemans (UAntwerpen - CLiPS)
- Co-PI’s:
- Véronique Hoste (UGent - LT3)
- Chris Develder (UGent - IDLab)
- Extra supervision: Thomas Demeester (UGent - IDLab)
- Marie-Francine Moens (KULeuven - LIIR)
- Katrien Beuls (VUB - AILab)
- Extra supervision: Paul Van Eecke (VUB - AILab)
In the following videos our PhD students pitch their current research (2021) on Conversational Agents:
Visual Dialogue
Research by Mingxiao Li from LIIR - KULeuven
Modelling Emotion Trajectories in Customer Service Dialogues
Research by Sofie Labat from LT3 - UGent
Building up Knowledge through Dialogue
Research by Lara Verheyen from AILab - VUB
Knowledge Grounded Conversation with Pre-trained Models
Research by Ehsan Lotfi from CLiPS - UAntwerpen
Multilingual FAQ
Research by Maxime De Bruyn from CLiPS - UAntwerpen
Dataset on HuggingFace
Model on HuggingFace
Task Oriented Dialogue based on Procedural Knowledge
Research by Yiwei Jiang from IDLab - UGent